Green Globe USA has the highest qualified green specialists as part of the company. WE have specialists certified as LEED AP BD+C (Building Design and Construction) to build such big structures as schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, malls, entertainment theaters and everything else. Our certified officials with LEED AP ND (Neighborhood Development) can create an entire GREEN CITY called SMART CITY. Nigeria needs hundreds of smart cities for sustaining its natural resources and reversing its global 4 warming. We have also officials in Green Globe USA also certified as LEED AP home who can work on all new homes and existing homes to turn them green. LEED means Leadership in Energy and Leadership Design and AP means Accredited Professional. They are certified by the US Green Building Council (USGBC) as “World’s greatest green specialists” and have done enough research to work on the continent of Africa and Nigeria, in particular.

Green Globe USA’s projects in Nigeria will eventually contribute to the conservation of Nigeria’s great assets such as prime farmlands, flood plains, wetlands and habitats. When Green Globe USA builds more than 100 houses for a housing estate, for instance, the green city so built

will also be certified as a Green Neighborhood Development or SMART CITY. The concept of SMART City is the latest catch phrase for green technology and we are capable of building smart cities of the highest international standards.  These smart cities have different street designs, location of trees, and placement of businesses, recreation centers, bicycle routes and green sceneries which people will find pleasant to have. There will be enough community resources nearby and people will have access to supermarkets, food stores, clothing or department stores, farmers’ markets, pharmacy and other necessary shops within a walking distance. There will be adult or senior citizen care centers, cultural and arts facilities, educational institutions, places of worship, medical clinics, post offices, public libraries and public parks along with social services centers constructed by Green Globe USA itself.  HOUSE DESIGN

Green Globe USA’s houses are designed with green technology in mind depending on the location of the sun with respect to the location of the house. The north-south length will be one half times of the east-west side and there should be no sun glazing on the east-west side for Nigeria because of its hot climate.  Of course, these directions may change according to our architects study and the location of the sun and a particular house. The architect also takes full care of the location of the windows and doors with regard to the entire house envelope. The windows and doors are the most important features of a house not only for cooling and heating necessities but also for access to outside view. These features also provide added appearance to the house which can be as artistically designed as possible. We build the designs of every part of the house according to the guidelines of National Fenestration Council of America. 


Our raw materials are different from the materials used in conventional houses. We will use Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) to beat the heat of Nigeria and make the interior of every house cool and comfortable. The insulation inside the panels prevent outside solar heat from penetrating into the house in such a way that, even without an air conditioner, the house remains cool.

Moreover, we avoid the HEAT ISLAND effect of modern buildings. Conventionally, the concrete-built area is mostly made of asphalt with a black surface which absorbs heat during the day and emits the same heat at night. This is called the HEAT ISLAND effect and that is why people feel hot at night time even after sunset when there is no sun in the sky. Our design is different. We don’t use black asphalt surface but use SRI 38 paving materials which emit solar heat and make people feel cooler.  But despite that, we provide mechanical and natural ventilation inside the house. For instance, when the air is normal and full of oxygen, the occupants can get oxygen-filled natural air which is healthy for human beings. On the other hand, when the outside air is hot, we provide mechanically-driven cold air to counter the temperature. The air is always filtered to provide pure air to the occupants. Testing is done in fixed intervals of time to see that there is no negative health impact on the occupants of Green Globe-constructed houses. We leave, on the premises, a maintenance staff fully trained in green technology so that any problem or issue from any individual is taken care of every hour of the day and night (24/7) on an emergency basis. Everything is done by Green Globe according to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Guidelines set in Washington, DC. 

It is pertinent to note also that when Green Globe USA installs its HVAC mechanical systems, we take care of each room’s temperature in such a way that ventilation rates are measured continuously every week to check that they are working properly for customer satisfaction. Preventive maintenance activity on a room-to-room basis in every house is the hallmark of Green Globe USA. We never use chemical-based paints which are harmful to human health. The International Well Building Institute (IWBI), after decades-long research, opined that chemicals in paints affect the lung, the heart and even the liver resulting in such diseases as asthma and other pulmonary and kidney illnesses depending on the age of the occupants and strength of their immune systems. That is why we provide Low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) mostly finished in the factory and not freshly painted. This is called pre-fabricated materials which are also used to eliminate construction waste through resource reduction. That saves a lot of money, time and medical problems. 

When we build garages, they are taken care of like a home without pollutants and exhaust fans are installed accordingly. Rubber mats are used at every entrance of the homes including entrances to the houses from the parking garage to eliminate dust and pollutants from entering the house.

Hot water is one of the most important necessities in every Green Globe-built house where you can get pure hot water heated by solar energy. THE MAGIC OF CENSORS

One of the most important aspects of green technology is the latest invention of censors and their application. You come to a green house built by Green Globe USA and open your door. Naturally the front door will be locked for security reasons but other doors of the house can be censor-driven. The house is closed and you move forward. As soon as you are close to the house, the doors will be open to greet you. You see darkness from a distance. You now approach the doors, the lights will come up automatically. You don’t have to take the trouble of switching on or off anything for any reason. Of course, if you want to, you can also have control over the lights. You leave the house or a room, the light goes off automatically. You go to the bath room, the doors open automatically and lights are on. You want to wash your hands, you don’t have to turn anything off or on. Just bring your hand under the tap and water comes out for you to wash your hands. As long as your hands are below the pipe, water can flow out. The moment you remove your hands, the water flow stops.  

Why this magic? This does three things:

  1. It makes you feel great as everything happens automatically. You have control over everything without personally controlling anything.
  2. There is saving of energy and water as there is no room for forgetting. Think of this: if you forget, then the lights are on all night. With the installation of these sensors, there is no room for forgetting and, as such, water will not flow out for hours. This is the latest boon in the science of home construction. 3. You can do the same thing in the garage. As your car approaches the gate of the garage, it opens up. You are at liberty to decide whether or not to lock it based on censors.

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